Port wine cellar
articles, drinks & cocktails, wine

Port Wine

Portugal is famous across the world for its production of port wine, which is made in the vineyards of the country’s Douro region. Within Europe, only port from Portugal can be sold as port or Porto, though the restriction does…

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Portuguese tomato salad
recipes, salads

“Portuguese” Tomato Salad

This recipe is my own, but it’s something that was inspired by a Jamie Oliver recipe in a BBC Good Food magazine from years gone by. I’ve made it a couple of times recently, in honour of my long-anticipated new…

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Chilli Boy Algarve - Chilli Oils

Algarve Artisan Food – Chilli Boy

A while ago, we wrote about local food producer Chilli Boy, and specifically their Spicy Olives, which we took a serious shine to. Having had a little more time to try their other products, here are our thoughts on some…

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