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Welcome to Food and Wine Portugal.

As you are new here, I have collated some of the more popular posts so you can dive in and enjoy with minimal hassle.

Want Portuguese Recipes?

Why not start as the Portuguese do, with some Portuguese style carrots?

Then move onto a rich Prawn Acorda and finish with an Algarve Orange Tart!

Need more: Then head straight to the list of Portuguese recipes!

Portuguese Octopus Salad

Portuguese Octopus Salad

Looking for Portuguese Restaurants?

Here are a few of my favourites:

We recommend Brisa do Rio to everyone who visits our part of the Algarve, and also think highly of Quatro Aguas, with beautiful views of the Ilha de Tavira.

One of our most memorable meals in Portugal, however, was at the tiny pesticos bar of Botequim de Mouraria in Evora – this place is worth the journey.

Need more – you’ll find plenty on the Portugal Restaurant List. 

Botequim de Mouraria in Evora Portugal

Botequim de Mouraria in Evora Portugal

Want to Learn More about Portuguese Food and Wine?

Start here, where I discuss Portugal’s seasonal produce, and then join guest author Dogoyaro who visits a new winery in the North of Portugal.

Once you’ve read those, we have plenty more articles about Portuguese Food and Wine. 

Portuguese Sardines - arrival feast for our guests

Portuguese Sardines - arrival feast for our guests


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